This store is only available for use by our members
Please purchase membership when you place your first ring order and you can place subsequent orders as an existing member
If you do not wish to take up membership, then please phone the office to place your ring order
You can Pay using Paypal
OR if you do not have a Paypal account, simply click on the credit / debit card of your choice and it processes payment as a guest.
These are for Bird Council Members only
Our I.D. Coded bird rings, Current Year Colour (BLACK for 2025),
Stating the breeders unique code, Current Year, Ring size, BC (Bird Council), GB (to comply with EU shows) & The individual ring number
These rings will be manufactured directly from our supplier, to include your allocated code number. Delivery usually within 7-10 days
Declaration - If you decide to order your rings using this system, by doing so you are accepting the following:
1. I declare that I am the applicant and that my details given on this form are complete and correct.
2. I understand these rings are for my own use and not to be transferred to other persons.
3. I understand that in line with GDPR the British Bird Council will securely store my name, address and contact details, along with rings ordered, but not share this data with any other party