There has been a lot of debate about this registration and it has developed and changed as DEFRA worked on its implementation, but its introduction has been inevitable.
It is now a legal requirement as of 1st October 2024 to register your birds under the circumstances detailed below.
(1st September in Scotland)
It is quite straightforward and simple to register.
It is for the protection of the poultry industry and of course for human health as well.
There is a registration phone number you can use OR fill in the forms from the links below.
APHA Registration Helpline: 03000 200 301
Keepers of LESS than 50 Birds
When you DO need to register:
You DO need to register passeriformes (softbills and Finches / Canaries)
If they are kept in aviairies with a certain amount of access to outside air, that can include the sides of aviary being open mesh
If your birds are taken outdoors at any time, to be taken to bird gatherings or shows, they MUST be registered.
You do NOT need to register passeriformes (such as softbills and finches / canaries) if they are both:
However - If your birds are taken outdoors at any time, to be taken to bird gatherings, sales or shows, they MUST be registered.
Keepers of MORE than 50 Birds
You MUST register if you have 50 birds or more:
You are required by law to register any premises where you have 50 or more birds, whether they be inside or outside.
Bird SHOW / SALE Regulations
Please see the link to our page detailing the conditions of Bird Gathering General Licence